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发布日期:2023-10-25 12:00 来源:
报告一:Winning Hearts after Tying Hands: The Political Impact of Land Titling Reform in China
We show that property rights protection can increase political support of property owners on government. We exploit an agricultural land titling reform in China with staggered implementation since 2011. The reform provided formal legal land certificates to households, thus substantially improving property rights protection. We find that political support on government rises after the reform. The increase in government approval is not likely attributed to improved household economic status, but instead to declines in expropriation behaviors from local government officials. The effect is stronger where informal institution is weak before the reform. We provide evidence that the increase in political support accompanied with more compliance with the state.
报告二:Adaptive Diarchy: Authority between Two Heads
Many parts of China's bureaucracy feature diarchy where two executives with ambiguous allocation of de facto power are appointed. We propose a rationale for these diarchial arrangements, showing how a ruler may benefit from subordinates' collusion while introducing mutual check between them. In our model, a principal, who retains formal authority to decide on a project, relies on a biased agent for information and execution. A motivated supervisor can be appointed, but the agent can compromise and share profitable execution rights with him. In an uncertain world, the relationship between them features either mutual check or collusion in different times. Although the formal decision-making authority is carved in stone, the allocation of real authority is adaptive ex post in equilibrium. We also embed our baseline setting in an infinite-horizon model to explore the historical regime shift from roving to stationary supervisors. Depending on public histories, adaptive diarchy emerges, with the principal gradually tolerating collusion as a result of learning.