数字金融Workshop:Big techs, QR code payments and financial inclusion

发布日期:2023-03-21 12:00    来源:


时间:3月21日 周二 北京时间 15:00-16:20

Time: Tuesday, March 21, 15:00 - 16: 20 p.m. Beijing Time

           Tuesday, March 21,  8-9:20 a.m. Basel time/CET


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会议号:823 5957 6409


主讲人/Speaker:Leonardo Gambacorta

主持人/Host:胡佳胤 Jiayin Hu             


Using a unique dataset of around half a million Chinese firms that use a QR code-based mobile payment system, we find that (i) the creation of a digital payment footprint allows firms to access credit provided by the same big tech company; (ii) transaction data generated via QR code generate spillover effects on access to bank credit; and (iii) there are positive effects of access to big tech credit on sales, including during the Covid-19 shock. The findings suggest that access to innovative payment methods helps micro firms build up credit history, and that using big tech credit can ease access to bank credit.


Leonardo Gambacorta is the Head of the Innovation and the Digital Economy unit at the BIS. Before taking up his current position, Leonardo was Research Adviser (2014-2018) and Head of Monetary Policy (2010-12) in the Monetary and Economic Department. Previously, he was Head of the Money and Credit Unit (2007-09) and Head of the Banking Sector Unit (2004-06) of the Research Department of the Bank of Italy. He was a visiting scholar at the National Bureau of Economic Research (2002-03). He holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick and a PhD in Economics from the University of Pavia. His main interests include monetary transmission mechanisms, the effectiveness of macroprudential policies in curbing systemic risk, and the effects of technological innovation on financial intermediation. He is a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research.
