微观理论workshop:Expert Markets with Consumer Search

发布日期:2022-04-21 12:00    来源:

微观理论workshop:Expert Markets with Consumer Search

主讲人: 陈勇民 (科罗拉多大学教授)

主持老师: (经院)吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)胡岠

参与老师: (经院)胡涛、吴泽南、石凡奇;(国发院)汪浩、胡岠





We develop a model in which consumers search experts to obtain recommendations and prices to treat a problem, while experts may “cheat” by recommending an unnecessary treatment.  We characterize the optimal sequential search strategy by consumers with a positive search cost, and show that consumer search and expert behavior interact in rich and---at times---surprising ways. In equilibrium, all experts behave honestly if search cost is sufficiently low, but cheating occurs with positive probabilities otherwise. In the latter case, an increase in search cost can actually reduce expert cheating, yielding a higher search benefit that restores optimal consumer search under the higher search cost and also leads to lower prices.



陈勇民(Yongmin Chen)是美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado Boulder)经济学终身教授和Provost讲席教授。陈勇民教授是一位专长于产业组织学(产业经济学)的著名经济学家,其研究领域包括价格理论,消费者搜索,纵向产业结构,创新与知识产权,法律与经济学,以及国际贸易的产业组织。他在这些和其它一些经济学领域发表了许多有广泛影响的论文,在产业组织学领域享有重要国际声誉,2012年以来一直担任RAND Journal of Economics副主编,还于2013-19年期间担任International Journal of Industrial Organization主编。


会议号:865 9957 9437

