国际经济学workshop:Surviving Pandemics: Role of Agglomeration Spillovers

发布日期:2021-09-28 12:00    来源:

时间:2021928日(周二)09:30-11:00 am


主讲人:Ariel Weinberger



会议号:926 3889 7210


摘要:What role do agglomeration economies play in firm resilience during crises? Using high-frequency data on over 7 million import transactions from March to September 2020, we find that importers faced lower COVID-related trade disruptions in counties that received greater loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) even when the importer was not a direct recipient of PPP loans. These effects were largest in diverse counties and those with a larger share of small businesses, pointing to local agglomeration economies being important determinants of firm resiliency during the pandemic.

主讲人简介: Ariel Weinberger currently works as an Assistant Professor of International Business at George Washington University, an Affiliated Faculty at the Institute of International Economic Policy at the Elliot School of International Affairs (GWU), and a Research Associate at the Federal Reserve Bank at Dallas. His research is in trade and macro, with specialization in settings with firm heterogeneity and variable market power, and has applied these settings to study allocative efficiency and factor shares.


“Openness and Factor Shares: Is Globalization Always Bad for Labor?” (with Asli Leblebicioglu), Journal of International Economics, 128: 103406, 2021.

“Export Tax Rebates and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from a Large Developing Country” (with Qian Xuefeng and Mahmut Yasar), Canadian Journal of Economics, Forthcoming.

“Markups and Misallocation with Evidence with Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks” Journal of Development Economics, 146 (September), 2020

“Credit and the Labor Share: Evidence from U.S. States” (with Asli Leblebicioglu), The Economic Journal, 130 (August), 1782-1816, 2020

“Exporter Heterogeneity and Price Discrimination: A Quantitative View” (with Ina Simonovska and Jae Wook Jung), Journal of International Economics, 116: 103-124, 2019

“FDI, Productivity and Country Growth: An Overview” (with with Silvio Contessi), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 91(2):61-78, 2009
