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劳动与健康经济学Workshop | 医院院长的性别收入差异:2017年美国医院协会调查数据
发布日期:2021-09-29 12:00 来源:
报告题目:Gender Pay Gap among Hospital Executives:Evidence from the 2017 American Hospital Association Survey(医院院长的性别收入差异:2017年美国医院协会调查数据)
Although equal pay has received increasing attention over decades, pay equity among leadership and management positions often receives less attention. This study hypothesizes that women who are promoted to senior positions continue to experience a gender pay gap after the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010.
We examine a sample of hospital executives using data from the 2017 Internal Revenue Service 990 forms merged with the 2017 wave of the American Hospital Association survey. Available variables include hospital chief executive officers’ (CEOs) compensation and hospital characteristics. CEOs’ gender was identified by matching their first name with a database from the Social Security Administration. We conducted both ordinary least squares (OLS) and unconditional quantile regression (UQR) analysis. We used an Oaxaca decomposition analysis to explain the gender pay gap.
On average, the compensation for women CEO was 29.1% less than men based on a median regression while the OLS regression indicated a gender pay gap of 32.6% (p<0.01). Our UQR result revealed a U-shaped relationship across the salary distribution. We conclude that the gender pay gap between hospital CEOs persists and has widened. We need to continue to monitor and strive for pay equity in the healthcare industry.
陈茁,现任美佐治亚大学卫生政策与管理系副教授、公共卫生博士项目主任及宁波诺丁汉大学健康经济学客座教授兼健康经济研究中心学术主任。中国科学技术大学管理学学士及硕士,衣阿华州立大学统计学硕士和经济学博士。主要研究领域为健康经济学,应用计量经济学,卫生管理,健康的社会决定因素,健康不均等的分析,及政策和项目评估。在Lancet, Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Genetics in Medicine, JAMA Network Open等国际期刊上发表八十余篇学术论文,h值为24。曾获美国国立卫生院,佐治亚健康基金会,留美经济学会及美国中华医学基金会资助。曾任芝加哥大学卫生促进研究中心博士后学者,留美经济学会理事(2007-2008,2012-2013)及会长(2017-2018),美国疾控中心卫生经济研究组指导委员会委员(2008-2009),美国疾控中心卫生亚太裔雇员协会会长,及中国卫生政策和管理学会创始秘书长(2014-2016)和会长(2016-2018)。获得美国疾控中心2013年度最佳行为和社会科学论文奖,2016年获得美联邦亚太裔雇员协会多元化优异奖。