国际经济学workshop: Border effects, governments, and aggregate productivity

发布日期:2021-06-08 12:00    来源:

国际经济学workshop: Border effects, governments, and aggregate productivity

题目:Border effects, governments, and aggregate productivity

主讲人:Manuel García-Santana (UPF)




线上:加入 Zoom 会议https://zoom.com.cn/j/95365409407?pwd=cVVFYzZRRFBQVmwycTE2UTBHWTh2dz09

会议号:953 6540 9407



摘要:Using a dataset with information on more than one million of public procurement contracts awarded across European regions, we document the presence of substantial border-effects: contracts are much more likely to be awarded to firms located within the region where the contract is awarded. We isolate the governments' role in explaining these observed border effects by applying a novel strategy that relies on observing the same firm selling to several destinations and different government types within a destination. We find that governments' home-bias explains around 80% of the observed border effects. Our results show that sub-national governments drive a large part of this effect: setting the sub-national government parameters to national governments' levels would decrease the total border effect by 25%. Both the intensive margin of home-bias, i.e., awarding less value to participating non-local firms, and the extensive margin, i.e., higher entry barriers for non-local firms, are quantitatively important in accounting for the observed border effects. Our results point towards the existence of big inefficiencies in the allocation of government procurement expenditure across firms, regions, and countries within the European Union.



Manuel García-Santana is Assistant professor of economics at UPF. And he is also working as Research Associate at CREI, Affiliated Professor at Barcelona GSE, and Research Affiliate at CEPR. He was Post-Doc at Université Libre de Bruxelles, ECARES. He obtained Ph.D. degree in Economics and M.A. degree in Economics and Finance at CEMFI. He graduated from Universidad de Salamanca with B.A. in Economics. His fields of interest are Macroeconomics, Trade and Aggregate productivity.
