
发布日期:2021-06-09 12:00    来源:





Financial Incentives, Physician Behavior, and Patient Outcomes: A Natural Experiment on Physician Remuneration(财务激励、医生行为和患者福利:基于医生薪酬自然实验的研究)

The efficient incentivization of physicians is a central question of health economics. In this paper, we answer this question using a randomized remuneration reform. Applying a difference-in-differences design to a unique, granular dataset, we find that physicians in the treatment group perform 3.2 percentage points (21%) more surgeries, costing the patients 3.9% more per day, at the expense of a 1.4 percentage point reduction in recovery rates. A closer examination unveils large heterogeneity in responses across physicians, patients, and types of utilization: (1) Physicians who are young, female, low-rank, and hold high education degrees are more responsive to the increased financial incentives. (2) Patients covered by more generous insurance contracts experience the sharpest spike in monetary costs, while those uninsured shoulder the cost of reduced health outcomes. (3) Medical procedures see faster growths than diagnostic tests, whereas prescriptions do not experience any significant change.

赵昕,2016年博士毕业于美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校经济系,现任对外经济贸易大学副教授。主要研究领域包括健康经济学,产业经济学,应用微观经济学。专注研究公立医院管理与改革,药品市场竞争与创新,养老产业发展等问题。曾在Journal of Health Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Health Economics等发表论文。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金等国家级项目。担任Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Health Economics等期刊审稿人。

