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微观理论workshop:Robust Monopoly Regulation
发布日期:2021-05-06 12:00 来源:
主讲人: Yingni Guo (Assistant Professor, Northwestern University)
题目: Robust Monopoly Regulation
We study the regulation of a monopolistic firm using a non-Bayesian approach. We derive the policy that minimizes the regulator’s worst-case regret, where regret is the difference between the regulator’s complete-information payoff and his realized payoff. When the regulator’s payoff is consumers’ surplus, he imposes a price cap. When his payoff is the total surplus of both consumers and the firm, he offers a capped piecerate subsidy. For intermediate cases, the regulator uses both a price cap and a capped piece-rate subsidy. The optimal policy balances three goals: giving more surplus to consumers, mitigating underproduction, and mitigating overproduction.
Yingni Guo received her PhD in Economics from Yale University in 2014. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Economics at Northwestern University. Professor Guo's research interests include dynamic games/mechanism design, information design, and robust mechanism design. Her work has been published in American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Theoretical Economics, and Economic Theory.
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