时间:2021年4月1日(周四) 12:00-14:00
易媛媛,2017年获得瑞典哥德堡大学经济学博士学位,北京大学国家发展研究院助理研究员。她的主要研究领域为资源与环境经济学,林业经济学,发展经济学,重点关注资源环境政策评估、森林碳汇与气候变化等方面。易媛媛曾经参与或主持由世界银行、联合国国际粮食与农业组织、美国环保基金会、瑞典国际发展署资助的科研项目,已有数篇学术论文在环境发展领域权威学术期刊Environment and Development Economics,China Economic Review,China Economic Journal上发表。
Protected areas are a dominant instrument of conservation policy and are expected to increase dramatically in the next two decades. Restrictions on resource extraction and developed land uses may impede local development—or may provide the institutional structures to promote economic growth based on sustainable resource use, tourism, and landscape amenities. China’s protected area system provides a crucial test of compatibility between conservation and development. We investigate the impacts of China’s Nature Reserves using panel data at the county level spanning all of mainland China and the period from 1982-2010, when there was rapid growth in areas protected. Our preliminary results show small positive average impacts of Nature Reserves on poverty alleviation and on natural land cover as well as employment shifts from resource-extractive to service-based activity. We find that impacts vary substantially across space, with evidence of gains for both conservation and development in areas closer to markets, but increases in formal unemployment. Overall, this work highlights both the promise of protected areas as a sustainable development strategy and the need for specific mechanisms to ensure that local benefits are broadly distributed.