
发布日期:2020-12-09 12:00    来源:









题目:How do consumers respond to performance disclosure in the health sector? Evidence from online medical consultations in China (信息披露对患者就医选择的影响—来自线上平台的证据)


This study investigates consumers’ response to performance disclosure of physicians in Haodf.com, which is one of the leading third-party online healthcare platforms in China. Using a natural experiment that Haodf.com releases the list of “excellent doctors” in January 2019, we examine consumers’ choice of physicians for online medical consultations. We report three main findings. First, compared to physicians who were just below the threshold of “excellent doctors”, physicians who were just above the threshold attracted more online visits. Second, “excellent doctors” provided 5%-7% more online medical consultations after Haodf.com released the list, even though their prices rose moderately. It suggests that patients were more likely to choose physicians with performance certification. Third, young consumers are much more responsive. We conclude that consumers are responsive to performance disclosure in the online health market.



Dr. Hongqiao Fu is an assistant professor at School of Public Health, Peking University. His research focuses on Health Economics, Health Policy and Internet Health.
