教学项目展开 / 收起
sidenav header background2008摩立特集团北京分公司校园招聘启事
发布日期:2007-09-05 08:23 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
1993年摩立特集团开始从事与中国相关的咨询业务,近十五年来中国经历了重大的经济变革,而我们一直致力于帮助客户在这种特殊的商业环境中应对各种战略问题。摩立特集团目前在北京,上海,香港设有三家分公司。 我们的优秀团队汇聚了本地精英和来自世界各地的咨询专家,他们不仅具有丰富的国际经验,更熟悉中国商界的文化和环境。
l 咨询顾问将接受亚太地区入职培训,包括摩立特价值观以及如何成为一个专业的咨询顾问
l 咨询顾问将接受课堂培训包括调查和研究方法、行业/竞争分析、建模、商业写作、沟通技能以及一系列摩立特集团特有的研究和分析工具培训
l 项目经验分享与总结
l 公司高度全球化的工作环境,将为新顾问们提供不可多得的汲取当今战略咨询领域最领先的思想,以及在不同国家和地区工作的机会。
l 来自世界各著名大学,具有出众的学术和课外成绩
l 中英文良好
l 突出的分析和沟通能力,具有团队合作精神
l 英文求职信和中英文简历,请注明所要申请的办公室(北京或上海)
l 300字左右的英文短文,题目为Monitor Group appreciates 8 characteristics as our core values: Courage, Passion, Openness, Creativity, Responsibility, Generosity, Empathy and Integrity. If you were to choose one value that would best describe you, what would it be? And why?
l 成绩单(如不能在截止日期前送递成绩单原件的复印件,学校官方网站下载的成绩单亦可)
l 其他您认为重要的材料,比如获奖证书等
联系人:Sophia Xiao (肖佳)
对于第一轮投递申请材料的同学,我们将邀请其中部分同学在9月底前往摩立特北京分公司参观,并参加我们举办的研讨会。届时,我们将为您介绍摩立特集团的历史,其在中国的业务以及同学们普遍关心的case interview的讲解。 当然您也将有机会与我们的咨询顾问面对面的交流。
2008 Monitor Group Beijing – Campus Recruiting
Monitor Group is a leading global strategy consulting firm. Founded in 1983 by Professor Michael Porter, along with other Harvard Business School professors and experienced consultants, Monitor works with organizations to help them grow.
Monitor Group works with leading companies around the world, including many of the Global Fortune 500, developing strategies to drive growth. Our success is based on our demonstrated ability to help clients become leaders in their respective industries. We have long-term relationships with over 80% of our clients, who continue to engage Monitor Group for assistance in resolving their most pressing business needs. We work for governments on national economic development. We also work for non-profit organizations to improve their social impact.
Since 1993, Monitor Group has been providing consulting services for local and multi-national companies and government entities in China. Our engagements vary across major industries, addressing regional, national and international issues. Our China team consists of consultants in our Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong offices whose professional experiences stretch across China and the rest of the world.
Monitor Group would like to invite all exceptional graduates to apply for our Junior Consultant position in our Beijing or Shanghai office. Entry-level consultants are an integral part of the project teams and work alongside our experienced consultants in delivering value to our clients. The consultant experience with Monitor Group serves as a key foundation for new graduates to develop consulting skills in a wide variety of industries and client settings.
To support your growth and development, we offer structured and on-the-job training programs throughout the year:
l Regional orientation on Monitor values and professionalism
l Globally standardized trainings throughout the year
o E.g. Corporate Finance, Monitor Methodology, Entrepreneurship Economics, Feedback Training
l Classroom training on fundamental consulting skills
o E.g. business writing, research, financial modelling, slide writing and storylining
l Case team project experience and structured developmental feedback
Additionally, the truly global environment allows entry-level consultants to both contribute to and benefit from a wide range of regional and international opportunities leveraging on cutting edge intellectual capital in distinct strategic domains.
What we look for:
l Applicants who demonstrate academic excellence and participate in relevant extracurricular activities from top universities worldwide
l Excellent Chinese and English proficiency
l Outstanding analytical and interpersonal skills
To apply for the junior consultant position in our Beijing or Shanghai office, please submit hard copies of the following documents:
l Cover letter(English) and resume (both English and Chinese), please indicate for which office you are applying(Beijing or Shanghai)
l A short English essay (no more than 300 words)
o Essay Topic: "Monitor Group appreciates 8 characteristics as our core values: Courage, Passion, Openness, Creativity, Responsibility, Generosity, Empathy and Integrity. If you were to choose one value that would best describe you, what would it be? And why?"
l School transcripts (if you cannot submit an official transcript before our deadline, a downloaded transcript from your school’s official website is also acceptable)
l Other materials that you deem important, e.g., certifications
First Round Deadline: September 16, 2007
Second Round Deadline: October 29, 2007
Please submit documents to:
Monitor Group Beijing office
16/F, East Tower, Twin Towers
No.12 Yi Jiangguomenwai Avenue
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100022, China
Contact person: Sophia Xiao
Tel: 8610-6569-2600
After the first round submission, we will invite selected applicants to visit our office and attend the workshop to be held in late September. During the workshop, we will introduce Monitor Group, our China practice and offer case interview preparation. This will also be a great opportunity for face-to-face interaction with our colleagues.
For more information about Monitor Group, please visit our website at www.monior.com
For information about Monitor Group China, please visit our local website at www.monitorgroup.com.cn
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