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sidenav header background高盛集团招聘宣讲会
发布日期:2010-10-18 09:20 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
高盛集团招聘宣讲会/ Goldman Sachs Campus Presentation时间:10 月20 日周三晚7pm-9pm, Wednesday, October 20
地点/Venue: 英杰交流中心阳光大厅/Sunshine Hall, Yingjie Exchange Center
目标学生/Target students:本科、硕士、MBA/Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBAWhat We Do
We bring together people, capital and ideas to produce solutions and results for our clients by playing a number of roles: financial advisor, lender, investor and asset manager.
Advise companies on buying and selling businesses, help them manage risks and raise capital, which enables them to grow, launch new products, build factories and invest in research and development. Help local, state and national governments finance their operations. This enables governments and communities to make infrastructure improvements, like roads and bridges, hospitals and schools. Buy and sell equities, bonds, currencies and commodities to facilitate transactions by our clients in all of the key financial markets. This helps businesses of all sizes find the capital they need to help create jobs and fuel growth. Connect buyers and sellers, linking investors with businesses and governments in need of capital. Help ensure that markets are efficient and liquid, so investors and companies can meet their needs, whether to invest, raise money or manage risk. Manage assets for institutions, including mutual funds, pension funds and foundations, as well as individuals, in the form of retirement plans, to help them preserve and increase financial security. Invest our capital, together with our clients' capital, in growing businesses, which helps create jobs. Help our clients meet their financial goals.
At Goldman Sachs, we:We understand that by serving our clients well and creating opportunities for economic growth, our own success will follow.
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