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sidenav header backgroundInternational Monetary Fund Recruitment Mission to China Job Description
发布日期:2012-02-24 11:15 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
International Monetary Fund
Recruitment Mission to China
Job Description
Job Number: 1200062
Candidates should refer to the IMF recruitment website (www.imf.org/jobs Job # 1200062) for detailed information on job descriptions and qualification requirements. All candidates must have an excellent command of English. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply online by February 29, 2012 by making specific reference to the job number 1200062. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Recruitment Mission to China; March 5-9, 2012
The mission is looking to conduct preliminary interviews for suitably qualified candidates for employment in Washington as experienced economists, experienced economists with financial sector experience, as well as candidates for its entry level Economist Program. Candidates resident or studying in Shanghai or Beijing, or its proximity, are encouraged to apply to this advertisement even if they have already applied through the generic requisitions on the IMF Joblink website. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interviews.
The mission dates are: March 5-9, 2012
1. Experienced Economists
Experienced macroeconomists analyze complex economic issues and monitor economic developments in IMF member countries. Economists are responsible for alerting management of significant economic changes and issues; preparing reports following country visit; and handling issues related to the IMF's work, including taxation and public expenditure, international financial markets and financial stability, debt management, exchange rate management, and banking supervision. An experienced economist works in a division, reports to the division chief, and often participates in mission assignments as an important contributing member of a country team.
Experienced economists must have solid analytical skills and strong written and oral communication skills in English. Experienced economists should have either a Ph.D and a maximum of 10 years experience or a Masters and a minimum of 5 years of experience as professionals handling economic policy issues at the national level and/or in academia and be knowledgeable on global economic and financial stability issues. Strong understanding of macro-fiscal policy issues would be a plus. All economist positions require a graduate-level degree (preferably at the Ph.D. level) in macroeconomics, financial economics, or in related fields, such as monetary economics, public finance, banking and financial sector. Candidates should have an interest in, and aptitude for, working in an international organization.
2. Entry-Level Economists (Economist Program)
The Economist Program (EP) is the "point of entry" for talented, young economists interested in pursuing a professional-level career in international economics, monetary and financial sector, and/or public finance. EPs work closely with experienced staff members and are given considerable responsibility to carry out operations-related analysis and research. They participate in Fund missions, undertaking challenging assignments on a wide range of economic, financial, and developmental issues.
EPs must have graduate-level training in macroeconomics or a relevant field with specialization in international economics, monetary economics, banking and financial sector and public finance, preferably at the Ph.D level. We are particularly interested in recent Ph.D. graduates, or students who will shortly be completing their program, whose degree is either in (i) economics with a research focus in international finance; (ii) finance with a solid understanding of macroeconomics; or (iii) economics or finance with research interest/experience in macro-fiscal and fiscal risk analysis, tax policy, pension reform, poverty issues, and the nexus between financial markets and fiscal issues.
Communication Skills
All candidates must have TOEFL (or equivalent, internationally recognized language testing results) in the HIGH or GOOD range for all English language aspects: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
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