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sidenav header backgroundGoogle在线营销大赛启动
发布日期:2012-03-02 11:06 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
每年一度的Google在线营销大赛(Google Online Marketing Challenge<http://www.google.com/onlinechallenge/index.html>)已经开始注册了。这个活动旨在帮助学生了解更多在线营销知识并增强相关方面的能力。此项活动于2008年首次启动,几年来收到了广大老师和学生的良好反馈,至今为止已有有来自100多个国家和地区的超过5万名学生参加比赛。学生可以借此挑战赛获得一些在线营销方面的实操经验,另外,全球总决赛的获奖学生和带队老师也将有机会参观位于美国加州Mountain View的Google总部,与广告营销团队面对面进行交流。
Real money, real results, real experience!
The Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC) is an exciting opportunity for students to experience online marketing and creating online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords & Google+. As well, students and their professors can win great prizes. Over 50,000 students from almost 100 countries have participated in past years.
With a US$250 budget provided by Google, students develop an online advertising strategy for a real business or non-profit organization that has not used AdWords in the last six months. The global winners and their professor receive a trip to the Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California to meet with the AdWords team. Regional winners and their professor receive a trip to a regional Google office. Visit the Winners page to see the 2011 Challenge winners.
The competition is open to all students, regardless of major, with teams ranging in size from three to six. All students must register under a verified professor/instructor at a higher education institution. The key dates for the Challenge can be found on the About the Challenge page.
Online application platform: http://www.google.com/onlinechallenge/index.html
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