教学项目展开 / 收起
sidenav header background仲量联行2005校园招聘
发布日期:2015-07-11 08:19 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE: JLL) is an international, multi-cultural and multi-disciplined organization and we require employees with a diverse range of skills from a variety of backgrounds. In an ever-changing business environment we need to anticipate the future needs of our clients by recruiting people with different strengths and aptitudes.
However, the academic prowess is not enough on its own! Our business requires people who are team players, problem solvers, original thinkers, people who are naturally conceptual and analytical, who possess enquiring minds and thrive on the pressure of deadlines. Equally important are excellent communication and interpersonal skills, integrity and tenacity. We are a people business in a service industry therefore relationship building is integral to our success.
Whether you are a graduate with a real estate or other relevant* degree we want to hear from you. However we do stipulate that the minimum grade achieved is 3.0 and there is also a requirement for CET English level 6. We encourage applications from outside of Shanghai / Beijing / Guangzhou* (delete where not applicable) however you must be eligible to work in Shanghai / Beijing / Guangzhou* (delete where not applicable) to apply.
* Other relevant degrees are economics, finance disciplines
The Graduate Recruitment Program will enable you to work in various areas of the business (usually two 12 month seats). We recruit into the following business areas:
You will spend your first two weeks on an intensive interactive induction programme designed by the business. You will be involved in practical hands-on exercises including a project that will require you to make a presentation to your client (a panel of our senior directors). It’s a work hard, play hard programme, with opportunities to meet and socialize with a variety of people who will help you with your development throughout your training program.
By the end of your two week induction you will be ready to “hit the ground running” and will certainly have a clear understanding of the firm you have joined, its structure, its values and its goals. You will know your trainee intake and the current trainees who went through this process last year. An excellent start to your networking!
Our training schemes will provide you with a solid foundation on which to build a career in real estate. The jobs you will do involve lots of responsibility and client contact and enable you to develop all your skills.
All trainees will complete 30 CPS (continuous professional development) hours per annum in the following areas: real estate knowledge, financial awareness, business writing skills, basic presentation skills, negotiation skills, financial analysis, general business skills and IT training course. Continuous Professional Development talks will be given by industry professionals, and technical training provided within each business unit.
Placement rotation – each trainee will be recruited directly into a business line. The first seat will be in the hiring division for one year followed by 1 more seat rotation in other business line to enable each trainee to gain an overview of the Firm.
Working in Other Cities of Asia Pacific
Jones Lang LaSalle is an international company and has a truly global ethos in terms of developing its staff. Therefore, regional secondments are strongly encouraged and the opportunities that become available are advertised on our website.
Secondments to Another Jones Lang LaSalle office
Opportunities to work in other Asia Pacific cities are constantly increasing, facilitating Jones Lang LaSalle’s strategy of developing the skills and experience of our employees.
International Staff Exchange
We have also been successfully running an International Staff Exchange Programme for the last five years. Employees are eligible for this once they have four years experience within the Firm. This programme consists of a placement in a region other than the home region, i.e. if you are in Asia Pacific then your placement would be in Americas or Europe.
Recruitment Process
We have a thorough graduate recruitment process specially designed to recruit the right people for our business. We recognize that you too have a choice and that we are recruiting in a very competitive environment, so we will ensure that throughout the recruitment process you meet various levels of employees, from current trainees to senior management. This will provide you with the opportunity to assess our people and our environment as much as we are assessing you.
How to Apply
Our graduate recruitment programme for 2005 begins on 15th December 2004.
If you have
· Well developed communication skills;
· Strong career aspirations within the real estate industry;
· Commitment and loyalty;
· An effective presence and the ability to represent the company in a professional and ethical manner;
· The ability to develop confident business acumen from a fundamental appreciation of what drives commercial decisions
Send your application to Graduate Recruitment
Jones Lang LaSalle
Address: 4th Floor, West Wing Office, China World Trade Centre
1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100004
Address: 48/F Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Road (west),
Jing An District, Shanghai, China 200040
Written applications must include:
· Application Form
(you may download from company website www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn or find the attached one)
· An updated curriculum vitae inclusive of contact numbers
· Two referees (inclusive of at least one academic and one work related referee)
· A one page letter of application outlining motivators for applying for this program, aspirations and reasons for selection
· A recent, passport sized photograph (optional)
· Preferred specialization areas
· Recruitment Talk
Join us on early January 2005 to learn more about Jones Lang LaSalle and the graduate recruitment programme.
· Work Experience
Work experience placements are available during the summer months for a period of 2 months or longer. You will work in one of our business areas, under the supervision of a senior.
We use this scheme as part of our recruitment programme, and successful students will be given the opportunity to fast track our graduate recruitment process.
· If you would like to apply for a placement in summer 2005, please send your CV and a covering letter from May 2005 onwards to hr.bj@ap.joneslanglasalle.com /hr.sh@ap.joneslanglasalle.com or post to above mentioned address respectively.
Jones Lang LaSalle is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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