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sidenav header backgroundCapital Group 招聘TAP: 6 assignments, 3 continents, 2 years, 1-of-a-kind experience!
发布日期:2011-03-04 03:32 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
So you’ve been a successful student at PKU? What’s next? Perhaps you’d like to attend graduate school, work for a nonprofit organization, or travel the world? Or are you unsure and aren’t ready to commit to a rigid career path?
TAP is your solution.
TAP (The Associates Program) is the global rotational program of the Capital Group Companies, an esteemed investment management organization with:
• 22 offices around the world
• $950 billion under management
• 7,200 associates
All majors are welcome! A background in economics/finance is not needed.
During the 2-year program, you will:
• Make a meaningful contribution through 6 individually tailored assignments in various areas and locations of the company
• Gain exposure to marketing, human resources, research, etc.
• Have an opportunity to work for a nonprofit organization of your choice, while Capital pays your full salary
• Take graduate-level courses
• Develop relationships with and learn from the company’s leaders
To find out more, attend the Capital Group Information Session:
When: Thursday, March 10, at 7:00 pm
Where: Zhifuxuan Classroom, China Center for Economic Research, PKU/ 北大中国经济研究中心 致福轩教室
Who: You, the manager of TAP and other Capital Associates.
To apply, please submit the following documents to career@nsd.pku.edu.cn, by March 6, 2011.
1. Resume
2. Transcript (unofficial transcript is sufficient)
3. A cover that answers the following two questions in your cover letter: Why are you interested in pursuing TAP? What would you change about your university or college if you could?
You can find more information about TAP on our website – www.capgroup.com/TAP
If you have any questions, please contact TAP@capgroup.com.
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