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sidenav header backgroundJob opportunities from Towers Watson
发布日期:2010-11-17 09:09 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
If you are interested, please cc your resume to career@ccer.edu.cn,and indicate the name of the company and position.韬睿惠悦咨询公司武汉研究中心2011校园招聘
韬睿惠悦(Towers Watson)咨询公司是全球领先的专业服务公司,由在业界享有盛誉的华信惠悦(Watson Wyatt Worldwide)咨询公司和韬睿(Towers Perrin)咨询公司的战略合并而来。公司溯源于世界上最古老的精算公司,有着130年的悠久历史。依托于一个多世纪的独到经验,韬睿惠悦专注于为企业提供以下几个方面的解决方案并协助其提高经营绩效。
武汉研究中心(Global Research Services Wuhan office)成立于2006年,是一所为欧美及亚太地区各分公司提供多方位客户支持、数量和模型分析以及前沿拓展性研究的研究中心。GRS (Global Research Service) 是韬睿惠悦研究体系中的重要部分,占全球6个独立研究机构中的3个,为公司在全球(欧洲、美洲、亚太及中东地区)的业务提供研究技术支持,其中武汉研究中心是大中华区目前唯一的研究中心。GRS武汉鼓励研究的主动性和创造性,为优秀人才提供多种成长帮助,提供各种深造机会。
Junior Economist
• Candidates are required to have a Master degree in economics or finance.
• Candidates are expected to have deep understanding into economic and financial theories and possess advanced modeling capabilities.
• Technical knowledge in labour economics, financial modelling and applied econometrics is especially preferred.
Junior Analyst
• Open to candidates with bachelor’s degree in economics, finance, mathematics or statistics.
• Require strong analytical and writing skills
• Relevant experience with econometric and statistics software (e.g. Stata, R, VBA) are highly desirable.
Junior Quantitative Analyst
The position is appropriate for program developers seeking a career change into financial modelling or analytical/Quant development role.
• You will work on the development of financial models, deployment of quantitative computing components and designing innovative tools for business applications.
• Candidates are ideally Master in advanced Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics from leading institutions. Outstanding Bachelor will also be considered.
• Candidates should possess strong programming and algorithm design capabilities, including C++/VBA, especially VC++, STL/ATL or COM skills.
• Experience in quantitative analysis as well as financial modelling and knowledge in SQL or Oracle are highly desirable.
Successful applicants will be offered full support to study Master of Science in Financial Engineering (part-time) awarded by National University of Singapore.
Above all we seek a professional attitude and a natural tendency towards analysis and research!
申请Junior Quantitative Analyst岗位的同学请附上程序或代码示例。
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