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sidenav header background[3月4日]管理学workshop
发布日期:2022-02-28 03:59 来源:
Management Workshop
主题:Ecosystem Forces and Evolution
主讲人:Carliss Y. Baldwin (Harvard University)
时间:2022/3/4 9 am-10:30 am
会议方式: 会议号:948 7381 7175;密码:539990
ZOOM链接: https://zoom.us/j/94873817175?pwd=VFRTMitubW1IUmY2Nm05ekk5c1ZPZz09
It is increasingly common for firms to jointly create and capture value in ecosystems. This article introduces the forces of ecosystem evolution. Ecosystems are the result of a delicate balance between centripetal forces that push economic activities towards integration in a single corporation and centrifugal forces that pull economic activities out onto the market. Centripetal forces are primarily caused by complementarity, and centrifugal forces are caused by modularization, distributed knowledge, and network effects. Since ecosystems arise when these forces are in balance, dynamics in the forces will cause ecosystems to evolve. This article focuses especially on the dynamics of technological complementarities, on the one hand, and of coordination and management techniques, on the other hand. Complementarities are not static, and may be commoditized, generalized, or standardized over time as technologies are developed. Management and coordination methods also change: for example, the emergence of open innovation management practices enable firms to move innovation activities from the in-house R&D lab out into the ecosystem. Seeing ecosystem evolution as a consequence of dynamics in centripetal and centrifugal forces has important implications for management. Most importantly, managers must understand their technical systems at the level of components and linkages in order to steer their firms towards success at the ecosystem level.
Carliss Y. Baldwin is the William L. White Professor of Business Administration, Emerita, at the Harvard Business School. She studies the process of design and its impact of design architecture on firm strategy, platforms, and business ecosystems. With Kim Clark, she authored Design Rules, Volume 1: The Power of Modularity. Her work has been published in a variety of leading journals including Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science, Research Policy and Harvard Business Review. She has won numerous awards for research: most recently, she received a Doctor honoris causa from the Technical University Munich in 2014, and in 2015 was named the Distinguished Scholar of the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) division of the Academy of Management.
Holgersson, M., Baldwin, C. Y., Chesbrough, H., & Bogers, M. L. A. M. (2022). 'The Forces of Ecosystem Evolution'. California Management Review, forthcoming.
Baldwin, C. Y. (August 2020), 'Chapter 5: Ecosystems and Complementarity', Harvard Business School, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u9if0qw3l6l0886/AABvtSPDZjuXj47-ItenJZLya?dl=0.
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