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sidenav header background[6月29日] 国际经济学Workshop
发布日期:2021-06-23 02:21 来源:
题目:Two Models of the Formation of Multiple Networks
主讲人:Sudipta Sarangi (Virginia Tech)
线上:加入 Zoom 会议 https://zoom.com.cn/j/95365409407?pwd=cVVFYzZRRFBQVmwycTE2UTBHWTh2dz09
会议号:953 6540 9407
摘要:Individuals, firms, and nations are typically connected with each other bilaterally in multiple networks. Yet we know very little about the formation of multiple networks, especially how one network may influence the formation of the other networks. I introduce two different models of network formation to capture across spillovers across networks. In the first model, we assume one network is given and study the formation of the second network. This can be used to understand how inherited or exogenously given networks affect the formation of a network. Such models can be useful to understand the importance of path dependence and for the study in inequality. In the second model we study the simultaneous formation of multilayer networks where payoffs are determined by the degrees in each network. We explore distinct network relationships by allowing for inter-network and intra-network spillovers through five properties: supermodularity and submodularity for inter-network spillovers, and convexity, concavity, and strategic complementarity for intra-network spillovers. Applications of this framework include R&D networks, public good provision, and trade networks. My goal is to appeal to researchers interested in taking such theoretical models to data.
Sudipta Sarangi is a Professor and the Department Head of Economics at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, he has been a Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at Louisiana State University and a Program Director at the National Science Foundation. His research interests range from network theory, experimental and behavioral economics to development economics. He is a research associate of DIW Berlin, GATE, University of Lyon-St. Etienne and the Lima School of Economics. He has been a consultant to organizations like the World Bank and FAO. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Economic Modelling and Oxford Open Economics. His book the Economics of Small Things which explains economics using everyday phenomena was recently released by Penguin India.
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