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sidenav header background[5月25日] 国际经济学Workshop
发布日期:2021-05-24 09:32 来源:
题目:Consumption Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy In Open Economy
主讲人:Kang Shi (CUHK)
线上:加入 Zoom 会议https://zoom.com.cn/j/95365409407?pwd=cVVFYzZRRFBQVmwycTE2UTBHWTh2dz09
会议号:953 6540 9407
摘要:This paper studies how consumption heterogeneity affects the international transmission mechanism of monetary shocks and the choice of optimal monetary policy in open economy. We incorporate two types of agents (Ricardian vs Keynesian) into standard open economy macroeconomic model. We find that, under both PCP and LCP, there are sizeable ranges of household heterogeneity in which monetary policy become ineffective. That is, an interest rate cut leads to the decline of output. We solve for the global optimal monetary policy with household heterogeneity. Interestingly, PPI targeting is still the optimal monetary policy under PCP and can restore the economy to the efficient equilibrium. This because consumption heterogeneity proportionally responds to output gap, and once the output gap is closed, then heterogeneity will not be a concern for monetary authorities. Under LCP, however, due to currency misalignment, output gap cannot be closed, consequently, heterogeneity becomes a new distortion faced by policy makers, this make CPI inflation targeting no longer optimal in most cases. Finally, we show that when fiscal instruments such as import tax and export subsidy are introduced, both currency misalignment and consumption heterogeneity can be eliminated, and central bank will target PPI again under LCP.
主讲人简介:Kang Shi is Associate Professor at Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained Ph.D. degree and M.A. degree at University of British Columbia. He graduated from Zhejiang University with B.A.. His fields of specialization are International Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics and Chinese Economy.
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