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sidenav header background[5月21日] 宏观经济学Workshop
发布日期:2021-05-17 05:21 来源:
演讲者:Harry X. Wu(伍晓鹰,北京大学国家发展研究院)
About the speaker:
Harry X. Wu Recently joined National School of Development, Peking University as Professor of Economics. Prior to this NSD appointment, he had worked as tenured Professor at the Institute of Economic Research (IER), Hitotsubashi University, from 2009-2018.
He is a renowned growth economist on the Chinese economy with major research interests in growth accounting, productivity theory, macroeconomic measurement, growth and volatility, international comparisons using the Maddison-type cost PPPs
approach, and the economics of central planning and transition focusing on institutional interpretation of growth and productivity change. He has contributed extensively to the global debate on China’s real growth and productivity performance in the long run and since the reform.He worked closely with the late Professor Angus Maddison on China’s historical data and is currently the council member of the global endeavor Maddison Project. He has been also serving The Conference Board (TCB) (New York) as Senior Advisor and TCB China Center (Beijing) as Research Director.
He was the Fifth President of the Asian KLEMS (an acronym of capital, labor, energy, materials and services as “full inputs” of a fully integrated growth accounting framework), a regional productivity research consortium to promote studies on growth and productivity in Asian economies, associated with the World KLEMS Initiative at Harvard University. He was member of the 28th Council of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW).
He has constructed and maintained two unique databases, China Economic Growth Database (CEG) basically following the Maddison-Wu approach and China Industry Productivity Database (CIP) following the KLEMS approach.
He can be reached via the following emails: harry.x.wu@gmail.com, harrywu@nsd.pku.edu.cn or harry.wu@ier.hit-u.ac.jp.
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