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sidenav header background[4月28日] 劳动与健康经济学Workshop
发布日期:2021-04-26 10:54 来源:
Air Pollution, Physician Performance, and Patient Outcomes
While extensive literature has documented that air pollution harms patient’s health and increases medical spending, little is known to what extent do such effects operate through air pollution affecting physician’s performance. Using administrative data of hospital admissions of chronic kidney disease in all tertiary hospitals in China from 2015 to 2019, we conduct the first study to investigate the causal effect of air pollution on physician performance, and estimate to what extent air pollution affects patient’s treatment outcomes through its effect on physician’s performance. Based on the sample of inpatients who travelled to a distant city for hospital admission, we find that severe air pollution in the hospital city before the patient’s admission significantly increases patient’s length of stay and total medical spending, but has little effect on patients’ mortality or revisit rate. The increase in medical spending is driven mainly by that in invasive procedures. We find that the effect of severe air pollution on physician’s choice of conducting invasive procedure exhibits an inverse-U shape across the distribution of patients’ appropriateness for such procedures. In contrast, the effect on medicine spending exhibits a U-shape across the same distribution of appropriateness index. Finally, based on the matched sample of patients who were treated in their residential city, we estimate that 40% of the effect of air pollution on patient’s health outcomes can be explained by the effect of air pollution on physician performance.
袁野,北京大学经济学院的助理教授,博士生导师。他于2012年取得新加坡国立大学应用数学学士学位,2017年取得新加坡国立大学经济学博士学位,2017-2019年在新加坡国立大学经济系任讲师,2019年加入北京大学经济学院。他的研究兴趣是健康、教育、医疗需求和供给,和医院市场。他的研究领域是健康医疗经济学、公共经济学和医疗大数据分析。他的研究成果已发表于Lancet, Journal of Economic Behavior, and Organization 和 China Economic Review 等学术期刊上。
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