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sidenav header background[1月6日] 发展经济学Workshop
发布日期:2021-01-04 09:24 来源:
Home Sweet Home: Impacts of Living Conditions on Rural Emigration using a Housing Lottery
时间:2021年1月6日(周三)上午 9:00-10:30
主讲人:Mateusz Filipski, University of Georgia
题目:Home Sweet Home: Impacts of Living Conditions on Rural Emigration using a Housing Lottery
摘要:Rigorous analysis of the push and pull factors that lead households to send out migrants is often hampered by issues of endogeneity. We leverage randomization embedded in the lottery design of a Chinese re-housing initiative, the Poverty Alleviation Resettlement (PAR) program, to shed light on the impact of living conditions on rural emigration. We cast the effect of quality of life on household-level migration decisions in an analytical model, then test its predictions empirically. Using lottery-determined variation in the timing of relocation, we apply a fixed-effects difference-in-difference framework to three waves of panel data (2016, 2017, 2019) and estimate treatment-on-the-treated impacts of re-housing on out-migration. Results reveal that (1) better living conditions decrease the propensity to send migrants on average, but (2) not for households resettled in urban areas, (3) nor for households with children. Findings are consistent with a model where better living conditions decrease the propensity to migrate, but that impact can be outweighed by wealth, expenditure, or peer effects.主讲人简介:
Mateusz is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia (USA) and a Non-Resident Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Much of his research studies the economic impact of development programs or policies aimed at improving rural livelihoods. This leads him to collaborate regularly with international organizations such as the World Bank, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Mateusz grew up in France and holds Engineering and Master’s degrees from the French grande école Agro-ParisTech. He obtained his doctorate in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California at Davis. In his free time, he like to travel to mountains and beaches, but lately he has just been staying on Zoom.
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主题:PKU Development Workshop
时间:2021年1月6日 09:00 上午 北京,上海
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