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sidenav header background[12月22日] 数字金融workshop
发布日期:2020-12-21 01:47 来源:
时间:12月22日12:30 - 14:00
主讲人1:王诗卉 北京大学国家发展研究院博士研究生
Erel, Isil, and Jack Liebersohn. 2020. Does FinTech Substitute for Banks? Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program. NBER Working Paper No. w27659.
New technology promises to expand the supply of financial services to small businesses poorly
served by the banking system. Does it succeed? We study the response of FinTech to financial
services demand created by the introduction of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). We find that FinTech is disproportionately used in ZIP codes with fewer bank branches, lower incomes, and a larger minority share of the population, as well as in industries with little ex ante small business lending. FinTech’s role in PPP provision is also greater in counties where the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were more severe. We estimate that more PPP provision by traditional banks causes statistically significant but economically small substitution away from FinTechs, implying that FinTech mostly expands the overall supply of financial services, rather than redistributing it.
主讲人2:陈方豪 北京大学国家发展研究院博士研究生
AI and Labor Market in Finance Industry
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) poses a new set of
opportunities – and challenges – for work and workers. What is the essence of AI? What makes AI unique from other technologies like software and industrial robots is that it is predicted to displace high-skill occupations, especially those involving high levels of education and accumulated experience? How will AI and related technologies transform businesses and reshape industries?
Babina, Tania, Anastassia Fedyk, Alex Xi He, and James Hodson. 2020. Artificial Intelligence, Firm Growth, and Industry Concentration. Firm Growth, and Industry Concentration.
Fleming, Martin, Wyatt Clarke, Subhro Das, Phai Phongthiengtham, and Prabhat Reddy. 2020. The Future of Work: How New Technologies Are Transforming Tasks. Working paper.
Jillian, Grennan and Roni, Michaely. 2020. Articial Intelligence and High-Skilled Work: Evidence from Analysts. Working paper.
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