
发布日期:2019-12-09 10:35    来源:





题目: Does Gender Matter for Quality of Healthcare: A Standardized Patient Audit Study


Growing evidence suggests that female physicians tend to deliver higher quality health services than their male counterparts do. This study revisits the issue of gender disparities in health-care quality in a typical primary care setting via a well-designed randomized study. Using objective measures of clinical practice and outcomes, we also control for a rich set of provider characteristics, disease cases, time and clinic facility fixed effects. We find little differences by physician gender in the quality of health care. However, results show salient differences in quality of health care by patient gender, which is driven by a physician-patient gender match. Relative to female patients treated by female physicians, male patients treated by female physicians are prescribed more invasive or unnecessary tests during the visits but fewer unnecessary drugs afterwards. Compared to female physicians treating female patients, the rates of correct diagnosis and correct drug prescription are respectively 23.0% and 19.4% higher for female physicians treating male patients. Our evidence suggests more patient-centered communication between female physicians and male patients in comparison to other doctor-patient gender matches.


陈希博士现任耶鲁大学全球健康政策与经济学助理教授,他同时兼任耶鲁社会政策研究所、气候变化与健康项目、麦克米兰中心、雅礼中国学会等的指导教师。他的研究聚焦在人口老龄化、全生命周期健康不平等、生命质量等领域的公共政策。他同时担任联合国顾问,德国IZA劳动经济研究院研究员、全球劳工组织的环境与人力资本研究组组长,中国卫生政策与管理学会(CHPAMS)会长,联合国、美国国家科学基金会、美国国立健康研究院、挪威政府的外部评审人,康奈尔大学健康经济与不平等中心高级研究员。他共同领导耶鲁老龄化研究所和Claude D. Pepper老龄美国中心的日常学术活动。陈希博士的研究获得包括美国农业与应用经济学会杰出博士论文奖、美国国家卫生研究院PEPPER学者奖、国家老龄化研究院Butler-Williams学者、George Warren应用经济研究奖等在内的多个奖项。他主持的美国国立卫生研究院、美国农业部经济研究局、美国老龄化与独立中心及美国非营利机构的研究在PNAS, LANCET, PLoS Medicine, LANCET Public Health, JEEM, EHP, SSM, JoEA, AJAE等学术期刊发表论文60余篇,并得到全球400多家主要媒体的持续广泛报道。他获邀担任中国中央电视台英文频道的医改与公共健康评论员。他参与了美中关系全国委员会和北京大学发起的迄今四轮中美健康二轨对话。陈希博士已指导20多位研究生及博士后从事中国卫生健康问题研究,指导的本科生获得耶鲁大学最佳本科论文奖。他获得康奈尔大学应用经济博士学位。