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发布日期:2014-12-26 10:33 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp
August 3–17, 2015
New York City
The National School of Development and the Baruch MFE Program are pleased to announce a two week Summer Camp in New York City, exclusive for NSD double major students and alumni \ graduate students and alumni, in August 2015.
The NSD-Baruch MFE Summer Camp will include a summer course in Elements of Financial Engineering, visits to financial industry employers of MFE graduates, social activities with Baruch MFE Program alumni, students, and faculty, and sightseeing in New York City.
Dates: August 3-17, 2014
Class size: 25-30
Cost: ¥45,000 (includes plane tickets/hotel accommodation/meal/tuition/tour services; excludes visa cost and medical insurance)
Scholarships: 50% for 5 students, students who get the scholarship should take responsibility as group leader.
Registration information and full details of the summer camp schedule will be posted on January, 2015.
Summer Camp Program Components:
Elements of Financial Engineering course: specially designed for NSD students and taught by Baruch MFE faculty; 8 sessions of 3 hours each; certificate of completion granted upon satisfactory performance
Visits to financial companies: group visits to top tier banks that are major employers of MFE graduates; students will learn about career opportunities for financial engineering graduates
Social activities: various meetings: with Baruch MFE alumni working in the financial industry; with current Baruch MFE students from China talking about preparing for graduate studies and experience in the program; with Baruch MFE faculty discussing placement, curriculum, and admission interviews
Sightseeing activities: several activities envisioned: Wall Street tour, Shakespeare in the Park, NYC Freedom Tower / One World Trade Center, New York Public Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rockefeller Center, Manhattan Island Boat cruise, Museum of Mathematics, Empire State Building, Times Square, New York Yankees game
NSD-Baruch MFE暑期项目预告
NSD-Baruch MFE暑 期项目是由北京大学国家发展研究院与纽约城市大学柏鲁克学院联合组织的学术、职业与文化交流项目。该项目旨在为北大国发院学生整体性地介绍一套金融工程领 域框架知识,提供一个与华尔街金融界高级管理人员和从业者交流、切磋、获得启迪的机会。同时给予美国的顶级金融机构一个了解国家发展研究院学生专业素质、 求职愿景和文化背景的机会,培养国家发展研究院学生与华尔街金融从业者的友谊和相互沟通。活动主要涉及专业课程学习、企业参访、文化活动等方面,为期15天。
Baruch MFE项目金牌课程:作为北美地区金融工程/金融数学专业排名第四位的Baruch MFE项目,特别为国家发展研究院学生开设8门金融工程专业课程和研讨会,同学们将聆听到数量金融大师、在世界各大金融中心从事一线交易工作超过25年的Jim Gatheral教授,业界最知名的利率模型SABR volatility model提出者Andrew Lesniewski教授的精品课程,进入专业交易平台进行模拟交易,获得金融工程项目申请指导和模拟面试训练,项目表现突出的同学将取得结业证书。
社交联谊:不同主题的社交联谊将为同学们提供更多了解金融工程专业学习、就业和职场发展的机会,建立深厚的业界网络联系。作为全美最大的商学院,遍布各行业的Baruch校友将带来丰富的职业发展经验和指导。同时,95%的Baruch MFE项目校友目前都就职于纽约、波士顿各大金融机构,他们将带来详尽的职业规划建议和求职、实习机会。Baruch MFE项目的各位教授和优秀的在读中国学生也会在社交活动中与同学们分享申请经验、学习感受,指导大家如何在申请中脱颖而出。
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