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发布日期:2008-03-28 12:00 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
About China Economic Journal
China Economic Journal (CEJ) is the official journal of the China center for Economic Research (CCER) at Peking University. It is published by the renowned Routledge Journals, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group. It introduces readers to examination and analysis of the latest developments in the Chinese economy and government economic policies. It contains papers focusing on cutting edge issues in China''''s economic development with long-term significance. The papers are based on solid analytical logic and empirical evidence. The editorial policy is designed to maintain a sound balance between academic disciplines and accessibility for a wide range of readers. The targeted readers are academic and policy researchers, business people and university students who share an interest in observing and understanding the economic development of China.
China Economic Journal''s first issue was published in February 2008.期刊简介
China Economic Journal(CEJ)是由北京大学中国经济研究中心(CCER)主办、英国Taylor & Francis出版集团下属的著名Routledge Journals并面向全球发行的英文学术期刊。该杂志旨在向英文读者介绍有关中国经济发展的深度观察和专业分析。发表论文定位于采用规范和严谨的经济学方法考察中国经济发展面临的重大问题,同时注意避免过于理论性和技术性的推导和处理过程,以便更为广大英文读者群能分享经济学家对中国经济现实问题的专业研究成果。本刊秉承专业精神,致力于为广大作者与读者提供优质的服务。
China Economic Journal(CEJ)第一期于2008年2月正式出版发行。
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