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劳动与健康经济学workshop: Actively Calculating the Financial Consequences of Health Outcomes Improves Preventive Judgments
发布日期:2023-11-17 12:00 来源:
地点:北京大学国家发展研究院承泽园院区 249教室
主讲人:崔知涵 加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院
摘要:There is a growing belief that individuals may exhibit bounded rationality in preventive health decisions. Drawing from the integration of behavioral science and economics, we propose that individuals might deviate from this assumption in two key aspects: non-salience of financial losses as an implicit outcome of illnesses; and evaluability issues, i.e. difficulty in relating numerical health data to their situation. To increase people’s attention to financial losses and make health outcomes more evaluable, we designed an intervention entitled “Active Unpacking with Money” (AUM), which directs DMs to actively calculate the monetary losses from experiencing a negative health condition over a specified time period. Through a series of six consecutive online experiments, we demonstrate that: (1) AUM amplifies people’s perceived severity of health risks and their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for a guaranteed preventive measure; (2) AUM heightens people’s sensitivity to the length of a disease; and (3) AUM bolsters sensitivity to probabilistic information about prevention measure effectiveness. We clarify how AUM assists in mitigating both salience and evaluability challenges within these contexts, and why AUM is likely welfare-improving. Finally, we discuss its practical implications in health communication, especially how organizations can incorporate AUM-related information with websites and text messages.
主讲人介绍:崔知涵,2015届国发院经济学双学位校友。现任美国加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院行为与决策博士后研究员,2021年获哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院(SIPA)博士学位。他目前的研究专长包括行为经济学、健康经济学、发展经济学等。他的研究成果集中于行为决策与健康领域,发表在多学科的优秀学术期刊上,如Economic Letters, Health Psychology, Vaccines等。他同时密切关注国内青年、青少年的心理健康和个人成长,首创非盈利人格与认知测试平台“荣格斯心理测评”是我国最大的非商业认知测评平台之一。
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