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sidenav header backgroundMBA学生解决问题能力课程
发布日期:2019-06-17 05:15 来源:北大国发院
为了更好的帮助MBA在校生在MBA学习过程中更系统地学习和具备如何解决问题的能力,以为将来的职业发展做充足的准备。北大国发院MBA中心邀请美国麻省理工学院相关课程老师Dr. Partha S. GHOSH前来我院为学生开设两天的课程。
Brief Introduction:
Partha S. Ghosh
Professor of Practice at MIT and Tufts University
Dr. Ghosh is respected by leaders in Governments and Corporates, in more than two dozen countries, as a creative problem solver and an inspiring leader. As the Managing Director of his own global advisory firm Partha S. Ghosh & Associates and earlier as a partner at McKinsey & Company he has been involved in a broad spectrum of strategic issues including global strategy development, innovation and change management for large multinationals and high tech start-ups in Asia, Africa, The Americas and Europe. Accordingly he has delivered more than 100 keynote speeches on a wide range of subjects in various leadership forums worldwide. Dr. Ghosh holds two advanced degrees – (i) Chemical engineering (MS) and (ii) Business Management (MBA) from MIT and earned his Bachelor’s degree at India Institute of Technology (IIT).
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