[11月26日] 计量金融与大数据分析workshop

发布日期:2021-11-19 09:22    来源:

Confidence Intervals of Treatment Effects Estimation in Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects


时间:20211126日(周五)10:00 AM -- 11:30 AM







We consider the construction of confidence intervals for treatment effects estimated in panel models with interactive fixed effects. We use the factor-based matrix completion technique proposed by Bai and Ng (2021) to estimate the treatment effects, and use bootstrap method to construct confidence intervals of the treatment effects for treated units at each post-treatment period. Our construction of confidence intervals requires neither specific distributional assumptions on the error terms nor large number of post-treatment periods. We establish the validity of proposed bootstrap procedure that these confidence intervals have asymptotically correct coverage probabilities. Simulation studies show that these confidence intervals have satisfactory finite sample performances, and empirical applications using classical datasets yield treatment effect estimates of similar magnitude and reliable confidence intervals.

