[10月15日] 管理学Workshop

发布日期:2021-10-11 10:54    来源:

Management Workshop, Fall 2021

主题:Unfair Value Allocation: The Role of Data Ownership in Private Information Disclosure

主讲人Jia Chen, Ph.D. candidate in Marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago

时间2021/10/15    10:00 am-12:00 am

会议方式 会议号:952 7226 6465;密码:759353

ZOOM链接: https://zoom.us/j/95272266465?pwd=MjBpYWRlaENWTCs0TGk3T2hGNVQzdz09


Consumer privacy is an issue of increasing public concern. Prior research has tended to view consumer privacy in terms of personal data exposure (and the potential harms thereof, such as identity theft or embarrassment). However, the present research proposes that consumers’ concerns over disclosing their private information reflect not only data exposure concerns, but also concerns over data ownership (i.e., the ownership of the value created from their private information). We find convergent support across eight preregistered experiments that consumers express greater concerns over disclosure of their information when they perceive that they are not receiving the fair value of their private information in exchange. This research contributes to the privacy literature by identifying a relatively understudied aspect of consumer privacy concerns, offers practical implications for firms on managing users’ data, and calls attention to users’ data ownership from the legal perspective.


Jia Chen is a Ph.D. candidate in Marketing at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She obtained her master’s degree from Peking University. She is a consumer behavior researcher whose research interests include digital privacy, motivation, judgment and decision-making, and nostalgia. Specifically, she investigates why consumers care about protecting their privacy and how consumers’ considerations influence information disclosure. Additionally, she adopts multiple methodologies including experiments, text mining and big data analysis. She presented her research in several premier international marketing conferences, such as Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR).



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