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sidenav header background[11月27日]发展经济学workshop
发布日期:2019-11-26 09:22 来源:
国发院/经院发展与公共财政系列讲座:Growing Apart: Tradable Services and the Fragmentation of the U.S. Economy
主讲人:Fabian Eckert
题目:Growing Apart: Tradable Services and the Fragmentation of the U.S. Economy
摘要:Between 1980 and 2010, the college wage premium in U.S. labor markets with larger initial shares of high-skill service employment grew substantially faster than the nationwide average. I show how this trend can be explained within the context of a Ricardian model of interregional trade, where a reduction in communication costs magnifies regional specialization in high-skill services, raising the skill premium in service-exporting regions and reducing it in service-importing regions. Quantitatively, I show that the decline in communication costs I infer from sectoral trade imbalances can explain a substantial part of the differential skill premium growth across U.S. labor markets in the data. These regional changes aggregate to account for 30 percent of the rise in the overall U.S. college wage premium between 1980 and 2010.
Fabian Eckert is a Postdoctoral Associate in the International Economics Section at the Princeton University Department of Economics. He received his undergraduate degree in Economics at University College London and his PhD from Yale University. In Summer 2020 he will join UCSD as an Assistant Professor of Economics. His research focusses mainly on International Trade, Macroeconomics, Economic Geography, and Urban Economics. Topics he is interested in are the geographical organization of economies, increasing income inequality, the rise of the service economy, and skill-biased technological progress.