
发布日期:2019-11-25 03:40    来源:






题目: Lifetime Return to Education in a Fast Growing Economy


The standard Mincer regression relies heavily on the stability of economic condition. If skill price changes with time or cohort composition change, which is common in fast growing economies such as China, then the standard Mincer regression for lifetime return to education can deliver misleading results. We estimate the lifetime return to education by following cohorts. The results show that the cohort-based college premium is 10 percentage points higher than cross-sectional standard Mincer estimates. We also find that college premium increases with experience, and the lifetime return is much large than the entry level college premium. In addition, we document the underlying forces that drive the change in cross section and cohort-based college premium. We find a decreasing cohort effect which is related to supply effects and an increasing year effect that is related to demand effects.


吴斌珍,清华大学经管学院经济系副教授(长聘)。2007年加入清华大学经济管理学院。2006年获威斯康星大学麦迪迅分校经济学博士,2001年获北京大学经济研究中心经济学硕士,1998年获西安交通大学核能与热能工程学士。研究领域包括公共经济学、发展经济学、教育经济学、应用微观经济学。主持过国家自科基金和清华大学资助的科研项目。在Games and Economic BehaviorJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Economic PerspectivesAmerican Economic Review Papers and ProceedingEconomic Development and Cultural Change等国际期刊和《经济研究》《中国社会科学》《经济学季刊》《金融研究》《世界经济》等国内期刊发表过学术论文。目前担任清华大学中国财政税收研究所及清华大学中国经济社会数据研究中心研究员。