
发布日期:2019-11-04 09:32    来源:


Does Competition of Food Facilities Determine Housing Prices?





主讲人:Hung-Hao Chang

题目:Does Competition of Food Facilities Determine Housing Prices?

摘要:The hedonic price theory has highlighted the role of environmental characteristics on housing prices, and recent empirical studies have documented the importance of food accessibility or availability on housing prices. However, no study so far examines the extent to which competition among food outlets may affect housing prices. This study fills this knowledge gap by distinguishing the effects of food accessibility and inter-brand competition among food outlets on housing prices using the case of convenience stores in Taiwan as an illustration. A unique population-based data of housing market transaction record drawn from the administrative profile and electronic invoices of convenience stores is constructed. By estimating the fixed effect model, we find that a 1% increase in competition of convenience stores and food accessibility increases housing sales by 0.29% and 0.07% respectively. However, only the competition of food facilities matters for housing rental prices. Our results show that previous studies on housing prices that only consider food accessibility may lead to misleading results.  


Hung-Hao Chang received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University in 2006. In 2006, he joined Department of Agricultural Economics at National Taiwan University (NTU) as an assistant professor, and had been promoted as a full professor in 2014. His research interest focuses on the evaluation of agricultural and public policy, farm household economics, food consumption and economic analysis of competition law with special interests on digital economy. Between April 2015 and June 2018, he joined Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (TFTC) as a commissioner. In TFTC, he was in charge of international affairs and promoting economic analysis in the agency and attended OECD, ICN, EATOP, and OECD-ICN chief economist workshop as a country representative. He also served as the organizer and program chair in TFTC's annual outreach programs in South Asian countries in 2015, 2016 and 2017.