
发布日期:2019-10-29 10:22    来源:




  主讲人:Jacques Charmes ( Emeritus Director of Research at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Centre for Population and Development, University Paris-Descartes)

  题目: How women and men spend their time across the world and how it is changing over time


      Since the 1960s and especially further to the Beijing Conference on Women in 1995, more and more countries have carried out time-use surveys at national level that allow a better knowledge and understanding of how women and men spend their time throughout the day, the week and the year. Many countries have started to repeat this type of survey so that we can follow changes in time use over the years. Today 79 countries have implemented such surveys (based on diaries or on a complete list of activities) and 44 have repeated their survey at least once. On such bases and using the officially published reports of the countries, it is possible to compare the structure of women’s and men’s time schedules across countries, regions and sub-regions and the distribution of time between paid and unpaid work, between work, learning, leisure and personal care. It is shown that women’s burden of unpaid and total work exceeds men’s everywhere and that changes over time are very slow. Women’s burden of work impacts their time spent in leisure and rest, and explains why time poverty is gender-related.


       Jacques CHARMES is an economist and statistician. Currently emeritus research director at the French Scientific Research Institute for Development (IRD), at the Centre for Population and Development (CEPED, University Paris Descartes-IRD), he was previously director of the Department of Social and Health Sciences at IRD, and professor of economics at the University of Versailles and at Sciences Po in Paris. His main fields of research focus on informality, labour markets, unpaid work, women’s economic participation and empowerment, and time use. He has been involved in the design and analysis of many labour force, living standards, informal sector and time-use surveys, especially in Africa, North and South of Sahara. He was involved in the drafting of the new international definition of the informal sector adopted in 1993 (15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, ICLS), and of informal employment (17th ICLS, 2003), and the 2013 ILO manual on “Measuring Informality: a statistical manual for the measurement of informal sector and informal employment” as well as in the design of the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) for the UNECA. He was also involved in the preparation of the first trial International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Surveys (ICATUS) and prepared the world compilations of time-use surveys for the 2015 Human Development Report and more recently for the 2018 ILO report on “care work and care jobs for the future of decent jobs” and for the 2019 UN Women’s World Survey on the role of Women in Development. He recently published a synthesis of his works: “Dimensions of resilience in Developing Countries: Informality, Solidarities and Care Work” (Springer 2019).