
发布日期:2019-10-29 10:13    来源:





      题目:Enabling biodiversity gains under forest restoration: Insights from China and Indonesia

      摘要:Forest restoration is taking on increasing global policy importance thanks in part to its high relevance to mitigating climate change. A large number of initiatives to recover tree cover and restore forest ecosystems are being implemented worldwide. While many of these initiatives are designed for ecosystem service purposes such as carbon sequestration and soil erosion control, they also provide enormous potential opportunities for biodiversity conservation that are too costly to miss. Reaping these opportunities requires understanding the biodiversity implications of these initiatives, and crucially, the socioeconomic conditions and constraints pertaining to different biodiversity outcomes. In this talk, I will attempt to illustrate the potential and challenges of this combined perspective using two cases. One case is from Sichuan, China, under the context of the Grain-for-Green Program, where we explored how the program could bring more biodiversity benefits and how rural households could be incentivized to adopt restoration approaches that realize these benefits. The other case is from Sumatra, Indonesia, where illegal trapping of wild birds is emerging as an urgent conservation threat in recent years that can seriously dampen the biodiversity benefits of forest restoration. We assessed this potential dampening effect using field surveys of bird populations that spanned eight years, and we explored possibilities for consumer intervention using bird market surveys.

     主讲人简介:Fangyuan Hua is a conservation ecologist. Her research aims to understand the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change involving forest ecosystems – including forest degradation and deforestation linked to agricultural and forestry production, as well as forest restoration – on biodiversity, and relatedly, to explore the ecological, socioeconomic, and policy opportunities for making conservation gains under these contexts. The approaches she uses include a combination of field-based observational and experimental studies, the analysis of large datasets, and quantitative modeling. Her research is grounded in the ecological sciences, but also integrates concepts and methods from environmental economics and the social sciences. Fangyuan got her B.S. (Biology) from Beijing Normal University in 2003, and her Ph.D. (Wildlife Ecology and Conservation) from the University of Florida in 2013. She went on to do a postdoc at Princeton University in 2013-2016, and between 2017-2019, she was a Newton International Fellow at the University of Cambridge. She joined the Institute of Ecology in Peking University as an Assistant Professor in May 2019.