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发布日期:2003-09-10 02:00 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
全球化与区域发展Globalization and Regional Development
Wednesday 6:30—9:30, 经济中心万众楼小教室
Office Hour: Thursday 2-4pm, CCER, Room 267
Email: lanchih@ccer.edu.cn本课程将在经济全球化的新形势下讨论区域发展的动力。透过阅读和讨论几个重要而比较前沿的理论辩论,期望同学开始具备基本的思考工具探讨一些重要的区域发展问题:为何某些产业会出现在特定区域(如硅谷之于高科技产业)?为什么经济活动会倾向于集中或分散?而当前全球化或区域化的趋势如何影响这些过程?不同区域之间的互动关系?区域竞争力的关键在于什么?
1. 导论: 资本主义的区域动力 (9/17)
*Storper & Walker (1989) The Capitalist Imperative: Territory, Technology and Industrial Growth. Chapter 1.
*Krugman, Paul (1991) Geography and Trade (地理和贸易)
Krugman, Paul (1995) Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
Gordon, I.R. and McCann. P.(2000)”Industrial clusters:Complexes, agglomeration and/or social networks?”, Urban Studies, 37(3):513-532.2. 需求拉动与非均衡区域增长模型 (9/24)
*North, D. "location theory and regional economic growth"
*Tiebout, C. “Exports and regional economic growth”
*Hirschman A (1957) Investment policies and dualism in underdeveloped countries, The American Economic Journal, 47:5
*Friedmann J. & Weaver (1979) Territory & Function chap 4, 5
Hirschman A. (1958) The Strategy of Economic Development3. 福特主义和制造业的危机 (10/8)
*Piore and Sabel (1984) The Second Industrial Divide. Chap 2-3, 74. 产品周期和新国际分工 (10/15) (10/22停课一次)
*Markusen, A (1985)“Profit cycle, oligopoly, and regional development”
*Frobel eds. (1978) “The world market for labor and the world market for industrial sites”
Massey, D. (1979) “In what sense a regional problem? “
Storper, M. (1985) Oligopoly and the product cycle Economic Geography, 61:35. 区域与弹性专业化 (10/29)
*Sebastian Brusco, 1982, "The Emilian Model: Productive Decentralization
and Social Integration," Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 6.
*Sabel (1989) "flexible specialization and the reemergence of regional economies"
*Storper, M. and Susan Christopherson (1987) Flexible specialization and regional industrial agglomerations: the case of the U.S. motion picture industry, Annals of the Association of American Geography, 77:1.
Harrison, B. (1992) "industrial district: old wine in new bottles?"
Scott (1988) New Industrial Space.6. 全球化与跨界生产网络(11/5)
*Manuel Castells (2000) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. I, Chapter 2, 3. Oxford: Blackwell. 曼纽尔.卡斯特着, 夏铸九 王志宏等译, 网络社会的崛起. 社会科学文献出版社。
*杨友仁, 2003, 跨界生产网络的在地化聚集与组织统理模式:以华东地区资讯电子业台商为例
张乔婷,2003, 一场接力赛/延长赛式的时空管理:以台商制药产业在中国大陆投资为例7. 跨国公司的地方镶嵌(local embeddedness) (11/12)
*Dicken, Peter et al (1994) "The local embeddedness of transnational corporations"
*Martin Carnoy "Multinationals in a changing world economy: wither the nation state"
8. 劳动力市场的再组织与区域发展 (11/19)
*Saxenian (1997) "Boundaryless career in Silicon valley"
*Storper, M. and Susan Christopherson (1989) “The effects of flexible specialization on the labor market: the motion picture
*Chris Benner, Martin Carnoy and Manuel Castells.(1997) "Labor Markets and Employment Practices in the Age of Flexibility: A Case Study of Silicon Valley" International Labour Review Vol. 136, No. 19. 关于区域优势的辩论 (11/26)
*Storper (1992) "The limits to globalization: technology districts and international trade," Economic Geography, 68:1
*Saxenian (1994) Regional Advantages, 硅谷优势
*Harrison, B. (1994) “The dark side of flexible production,” Journal of Organizational Excellence, 13:4. p. 479-501
Harrison, B. (1994) “The cost of lean and mean,” Technology Review, 97:1
Amin & Thrift (1994) "globalization, territoriality"
Mamlberg (1999) Localized Competitiveness10. 区域和国家竞争力 (12/3)
*Porter, Michael (1991) “The competitive advantages of nations”
*Krugman Paul (1994) “Competitiveness: A dangerous obsession,” Foreign Affairs, 73:2
*Cohen, Stephen (1994) “Competitiveness: A reply to Krugman,” Foreign Affairs, 73:3.
Krugman Paul (1991) “Myth and realities of US competitiveness”
米歇尔。包瑞斯等 (2000) 创造优势:政府政策如何影响半导体产业的国际贸易. 克鲁格曼编, 战略性贸易政策与新国际经济学,人大出版社。11.生产者服务业(producer service)和全球城市(global city)(12/10)
*Sessen, Saskia, (1991/2000) The Global City, Chapter 4, 5. Princeton: Princeton University Press
*Castells, M. (2000) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. I, Chapter 4, 6.
Daniel, P. W. (1993) Service Industry in the World Economy. Oxford: Blackwell.
柏兰芝, 陈诗宁 (2003) 全球城市和中国广告业:全球化制度和空间的中介12. 区域治理 (12/17)
*Putnam (1993) Making Democracy Work 使民主运转起来
*Amin, Ash (2001)”Moving on: institutionalism in economic geography,” Environment and Planning A. 33:1237-1241.
Amin, Ash (1999) "Institutionalism in Regional Economic Development", IJURR 23(2)13. 东亚的发展经验(12/24)
*Johnson, Chalmers. (1982) Chapter 3, The Rise of Industrial Policy, in MITI and the Japanese Miracle: the Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975. Stanford UP.
*Hsu, Jinn-yuh, Cheng Lulin (2002) Revisiting economic development in post-war Taiwan: the dynamic process of geographical industrialization,” Regional Studies, 36:8.
Amsden A. and Chu Wan-wen (2003), Beyond Late Development: Taiwan’s Upgrading Policies. Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press.*为必读
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