
发布日期:2011-12-01 10:41    来源:北京大学国家发展研究院

在新的时代语境之下,创新如何 成为可能?企业家精神应有怎样的内涵?在全球经济前景黯淡之时,依赖社会创新和企业家精神能否点燃希望之光?21世纪路劲财经奖学金班本期主题讲座邀请到 三位美籍嘉宾分享其在企业内部创新、公共事务管理和社区型组织金融服务等领域的经验体会,欢迎全校各院系师生参加。


Gifford Pinchot III于1965年毕业于哈佛大学经济学系,后在约翰霍普金斯大学获得博士学位,其创建的Pinchot & Company已与财富100强中超过半数的企业建立了合作关系,为客户开发了700多例新产品和业务。2008年,在由Executive Excellence评选的一百位领导型思想家的榜单中,Gifford名列第32位。Gifford撰写的著作Intrapreneuring(内部创 新)被编译为15种语言,广为畅销。


Mattie Bekink毕业于斯坦福大学,目前担任上海纽约大学(NYU Shanghai)公共事务部总监,为纽约大学提供相关领域的咨询服务,在政府管理、环境权利和妇女权益等领域有丰富的从业经验。


John Nelson 目前担任Wall Street Without Wall的执行合伙人,为社区型组织提供金融服务,其早前在国会的社会发展部担任Corporate Partnership项目总监,在社会经济发展和管理咨询领域拥有多年的行业经验。




主 讲 人:Gifford Pinchot III,Mattie Bekink,John Nelson

特邀嘉宾:21世纪传媒CEO 沈颢





Gifford Pinchot III

Co-Founder | President Bainbridge Graduate Institute

Gifford has been an organic dairy farmer, a blacksmith, an author, an innovation consultant, software CEO, an angel investor and a school president. He has published three books. Intrapreneuring, which introduced a new way of fostering innovation by creating space for innovators to express their entrepreneurial spirit within existing organizations, was a bestseller in 15 languages. The Intelligent Organization, written with his wife, Libba, took self-organization a step further, to include the everyday work of ordinary employees. Pinchot & Company, which he runs with his wife Libba, has served half of the Fortune 100 and helped them to launch over 700 new products and businesses. In 2008, Executive Excellence named him number 32 on the top 100 leadership thinkers. He has a Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa from U. of Puget Sound. In 2009 he was awarded the Olympus Lifetime Education Award and in 2010 he and his wife were named Purpose Prize fellows. Gifford graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1965 with an honors degree in Economics, then completed his coursework for a Ph.D. in Neurophysiology at Johns Hopkins University.


Mattie Bekink

Advisor, Ashoka

Mattie Bekink is an independent consultant based in Shanghai. She is currently consulting for New York University, serving as Director of Public Affairs for NYU Shanghai, and also acting as an advisor to Ashoka in relation to its China launch. Previously, Mattie was the Deputy Country Director of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative China Program, where she managed programs on good governance, environmental rights, and women’s rights. She was also an international human rights law fellow with the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU School of Law, an associate in the international arbitration and litigation group at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, a Fulbright scholar, and a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress. Mattie is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and functional in Arabic and Dutch. She has a B.A. in International Relations from Stanford University and a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center. 


John Nelson

Managing Partner, Wall Street Without Wall

John Eric Nelson is the managing partner of the Wall Street Without Walls initiative, providing financial technical assistance from finance professionals to community-based organizations in order to access the capital markets and for transactions over $3m.  Funded by major foundations, WSWW provides capital markets orientation and training programs nationally through the individual banks of the Federal Reserve Bank system and financial technical assistance to community development organizations and public agencies through teams of volunteer finance professionals, including retired and active investment bankers volunteering their expertise as a new form of philanthropy.

He earlier served as director of Corporate Partnership Program at the National Congress for Community Development.  Funded as part of the Ford Foundation's Corporate Involvement Initiative, the program facilitated market-driven, business case opportunities with community-based development organizations and minority entrepreneurs in joint venture business investments.

Mr. Nelson has thirty years experience in community economic development, management consulting, and collaborative environmental policy. He designed and managed the Small Business Opportunity Project for HUD to assist public housing residents plan and run their own businesses. He founded the national urban land trust program for the Trust for Public Land and managed non-profit liaison for the Chevrolet-Geo environmental program. Much of his consulting activity has been in the area of multi-sectoral collaboration on behalf of clients in business, government, and the public interest and the design and implementation of corporate social responsibility programs.

He served on the Board of Overseers of the School of Community Economic Development at Southern New Hampshire University. He is currently on the CRA Advisory Board for BB&T's Washington DC area; the Advisory Board for Impact Community Capital, Waveleand Ventures and for Partners for the Common Good; and a member of the Economic Development Assistance Consortium.  Mr. Nelson was the founding President of the William James Foundation, promoting the development of socially responsible businesses by young adults, including a nationwide business plan competition among business and graduate schools.  He has spoken as a panelist or keynote speaker before national and regional audiences for numerous conferences over the past 30 years and authored dozens of articles in various national publications on innovations in public private partnerships, innovative community development finance, and corporate social responsibility.

Mr. Nelson graduated from Yale College and recently co-chaired the class reunion; received his MA degree from the University of Michigan where he also taught social psychology; and has a certification in Community Development Finance from the Milano Graduate School of New School University.  He has been a guest lecturer in community development finance at the McDonough Business School at Georgetown University from 2001 to 2008. He has recently been honored by Civic Ventures as a “Purpose Prize” semifinalist.