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sidenav header background中级宏观经济学3班——2012年秋季学期双学位课程介绍及教师简介
发布日期:2012-09-04 12:49 来源:北京大学国家发展研究院
Zhao Bo
CCER, Peking University
1 Course Description
This is an introductory course to Macroeconomics. Selected topics cover basic models of modern macroeconomics and their applications. In particular, the course emphasizes the micro-foundation of macroeconomic models. Basic Mathematical tools are required. The class will only focus on the qualitative predictions of macroeconomic models and help students develop basic intuition behind those models.
2 Grading
This course is an intensive subject. There will be three assignments, a midterm and a final exam. The weights of assignments, midterm, and final are 30%, 30%, and 40% respectively. Any questions regarding to this syllabus can be emailed to zhaobo@nsd.pku.edu.cn.
3 Text Books
1. Macroeconomics (Fourth Edition) by Stephen D. Williamson
2. Macroeconomics (Seventh Edition) by N. Gregory Mankiw
4 Outline
4.1 Measurement (3)
2. Measurement of GDP
3. Price Index
4. Savings, Wealth, and Capital
5. Labor Market
6. Stylized Facts about Business Cycles
4.2 Micro-foundation (3)
1. The Methodology of Economics: Model Structure, Endogenous/Exogenous
Variables, Model and Data
2. Households Static Behavior
3. Firm Static Behavior
4. Competitive General Equilibrium
5. Pareto Optimality
6. Distortions
4.3 Real Intertemporal Model (4)
1. Households Dynamic Behavior: Life-cycle Hypothesis and Permanent
Income Hypothesis
2. Firm Dynamic Behavior
3. Tax and Ricardian Equivalence
4. Competitive General Equilibrium
5. Policy Experiment
4.4 Monetary Intertemporal Model (2)
1. The Role of Money
2. Financial Intermediation
3. Money Supply: Open Market, Reserve Requirement, and Discount Rate
4. Money Demand
5. Classical Dichotomy and Neutrality of Money
4.5 Midterm Exam
4.6 Market-clearing Models of the Business Cycle (Optional)
1. Real Business Cycle Model
2. Segmented Market Model
3. Keynesian Coordination Failure Model
4.7 Keynesian Economics (4)
1. The AD Curve: IS-LM Model
2. The AS Curve: Sticky Price and Phillips Curve
3. Static AD-AS Model
4. Dynamic AD-AS Model
5. Montary policy, Taylor Rule, Rational Expectation
4.8 Small Open Economy (4)
1. International Trade
2. Current Account, Capital Account, Balance of Payment
3. Exchange Rate: Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate
4.9 Growth Model (3)
1. Facts about Economic Growth
2. The Malthusian Model
3. The Solow Growth Model
4. Endogenous Growth Model
4.10 Topics (Optional)
1. Social Security: Pay-As-You-Go, fully-funded
2. Search Model in the Labor Market
3. Credit Market Frictions: Asymmetric Information, limited Commitment, Diamond-Dybvig Model
4.11 Final Exam